Learn a Revolutionary Approach to Stress

Taming the Bear: Taking the bite out of stress is a 12-Week course that gives you the tools you need to be less emotionally reactive and more resilient.


How Do You Know If Taming the Bear Is Right For You?

You Might Be The Right Person If You Are Tired Of Feeling:

  • Emotionally Overwhelmed or Volatile
  • Overwhelmed by the demands of daily life
  • Trapped by impossible situations and you don't know how make positive changes
  • That you get in your own way
  • Hopeless that anything will ever help you
  • Worried about money and wondering is this class worth the money
  • Feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired
  • Worried that stress is affecting your health
  • So stressed you aren't enjoying your life



Still Deciding if Taming the Bear is for You?

We Totally Understand. There are so many classes and programs out there making all kinds of promises. How can you really know which one will work for you? Here is a little about what sets Taming the Bear apart.


Learning these ideas with your brain is an important part of the process but the real transformation happens when you start to implement them in your life. The class contains the instructional and experiential components you need to start living these changes.


Core Participants receive personalized attention on the weekly live calls. You benefit from both instructors' wisdom and expertise in the facilitation of inner change. 


Healing happens in relationship. The live calls and community forums creates a support network of other people who are also using these tools in their lives. Students regularly remark on how much they learn from each other, even when their lives look different on the surface.

Meet Your Instructors

Who we are and why you can trust us with the next step of your personal growth journey!

M. Hall, MD

Dr. Hall is a residency trained Family Practice Physician with over 35 years of experience helping people heal. Over the years he examined the question "what is it that allows or prevents healing?" The answer brought him to what he calls The Seven Tools of Healing. He has been teaching these ideas to his patients in his integrative medicine practice since the mid 1990's and he has been teaching Taming the Bear since 2005.

Porter, MA

Grace Porter is a psychotherapist in private practice specializing in treating stress and helping care givers live in a way that honors their true authentic selves. She teaches The Seven Tools of Healing to her clients and has been teaching Taming the Bear since 2015. She is also Dr. Hall's daughter so she has been hearing about and talking about these ideas just about her whole life! 

We Have Been Teaching
These Concepts for Years.
We Know They Work.

Here's What You'll Learn

In Taming the Bear we teach you a framework for personal growth that allows you to uncover and change your limiting beliefs. Practice of these tools allows you to feel more emotionally regulated, more empowered to live your truth, and much more resilient to stress.

After Completing Taming the Bear You Will:

  •  Understand how stress works in your body and your life (you might be surprised...)
  •  Realize what triggers your stress response and how to stop it
  •  Learn the Seven Tools of Healing and how to apply them
  •  Embrace proven stress prevention techniques to reduce your risk of stress-related illnesses
  •  Uncover and transform your perceptions and deeply held beliefs that keep you stuck
  •  Know how to apply these skills in your everyday life to affect lasting change
  •  Transform the frustrations of everyday life with the wisdom of the Seven Tools

Finally, we'll teach you a system for personal growth that really works so that you will have the tools to deal with life's challenging moments. You will be better able to listen to your inner wisdom and better able to act on that knowing.



In this weekly online course we give you the support and information you need to make radical change in the way you handle life's stressors. Do the work and your life will change!

You Will Receive:

  •  Weekly Core Lesson Video:  30-45 minute video discusses the concepts and prepares you for the internal work of the week.
  •  Weekly Experiential Video: 5-15 minute video with exercises to help you ground and fully understand each week's lesson. 
  •  1.5-Hour Live Coaching Call with the Instructors:  Core participants ask questions and work through their own life situations or problems with the instructors' help on a live call. Regular participants can listen to the replay but not participate on the call.
  •  Weekly handouts and homework assignments:  Handouts provide further information and the homework is yet another way to assimilate and practice what you are learning. 
  •  Access to Private Community Forum and a Private Facebook Group: Ask questions, interact with other students, share stories, learn from each other on the platform that works for you. Instructors regularly monitor and respond to the group during the 12 week period of the class.
  •  Lifetime access to all course materials.

The Choice Is Yours

We offer two different ways to take the class. As a Core Participant you will be on the live calls with us for personalized attention and accountability for the work. As a Regular Participant you have access to the same course material but you take the class as a self study course. Pick the option that works best for your life and your learning.



12 Weeks of Core Lesson Videos

12 Weeks of Experiential Videos

Weekly Handouts and Homework Assignments

Access to the Private Facebook Group and Taming the Bear Community

Lifetime Access to the Course Materials

UNLIMITED Spots Available

You can take the class this way any time and at your own pace




12 Weeks of Core Lesson Videos

12 Weeks of Experiential Videos

Weekly Handouts and Homework Assignments

Access to the Private Facebook Group and Taming the Bear Community

Receive Personal Help: Weekly Live Coaching Calls help Core Participants Get the Most out of Class. (Replays allow you to revisit the calls for further learning.)

Lifetime Access to the Course Materials

ONLY 8 Spots Available Per Class





12 Weeks of Core Lesson Videos

12 Weeks of Experiential Videos

Weekly Handouts and Homework Assignments

Access to the Private Facebook Group and Taming the Bear Community

Receive Personal Help: Weekly Live Coaching Calls help Core Participants Get the Most out of Class. (Replays allow you to revisit the calls for further learning.)

Lifetime Access to the Course Materials

ONLY 8 Spots Available Per Class


The Next Live Taming the Bear Class Starts January 2nd, 2021

It's true. Taming the Bear requires your commitment--your time, your money and your energy. We believe in the transformative power of this class and we want you to feel confident in your purchase. (That's why we offer our 30 day money back guarantee!)

To get the most out of Taming the Bear, you have to show up and do the work. It's not enough to just buy the class, you have to actively participate. We offer so many ways to engage with the material so you can find the way that works best for you.

By Now You Know We Love This Course...
Here Is What Past Students Think About It

" Now that I am a few months beyond the Taming the Bear course, I am amazed at the extent of the change I see in my daily life. I am so much better able to recognize when I am feeling reactive about a topic/situation/conversation. This increased awareness, combined with the process of the 7 tools learned during the course, means I am able to consider my feelings and actions with curiosity rather than being completely caught up in the moment and reacting. Meeting myself with so much more compassion than judgement, like we learned in the course, has also been a game changer for me. My days feel lighter since I am being kinder to myself. Our TTB group has kept in contact after the course ended, and the mutual support and validation has been so much fun to continue. The shared lessons and language of TTB mean that we can support each other as we continue to grow into using the tools. The community feeling among our small group is a real supportā€”we are actively planning our next group check in to keep that feeling going."

-Bridget Ruiz
Executive Coach

"Before taking Taming the Bear I felt that my adversarial relationship with stress was causing me to avoid opportunities for deeper personal relationships and full enjoyment of my career. I have tried several paths to change this, including counseling and meditation. The integration of the 7 Tools into these practices gives both a powerful structure and process to handling my stress. I have been able to apply this technique on my own and continue to develop new insights, which allow me to let go of painful things from my past."

Mental Health Counselor

"I didn't have a lot of expectations when I signed up for the class, but someone I trusted assured me that the content was something I should explore. 12 weeks later, I am infinitely grateful that I listened. The 7 tools start with simple awareness of how I am choosing to experience my life and react to it. Going into it, I would have said that I thrive on career stress, and the adrenaline of constantly striving to achieve, solve, and master work is something that has been a positive accelerant to my career.
The number of "lightbulb!" moments I've had about the impact of that kind of lifestyle is infinite. Taking time to explore why that drive is a constant in my life and how it impacts non-work relationships and my health is making a difference in the choices I make. I'm evolving at being able to step back from the moment and take an objective stance before I react. I'm learning to understand what my reactions are tied to--at the deepest level--and this understanding leads to self compassion and evolution. Since the class ended, our cohort has maintained our relationships, and we continue to support each other through sharing of reading materials, experiences, and simple reminders. I'm not exactly where I want to be, but I understand the journey, and the 7 Tools are ones that I can take out and apply regularly to address the daily realities of my work and personal life. "

-Erin Scruggs
Senior Director of Talent Acquisition at LinkedIn

"I was so excited when Patti suggested that I take the class. I was in a space where my stress level was the driving force that determined so many of my thoughts and actions, and I wanted to change that. I loved the experiential practices every week. They reinforced the class material in a way that made it "sink in" more. I also really enjoyed hearing the experiences of everyone on the weekly calls. Even though we were all processing different life experiences, it was empowering to see how The 7 Tools were applicable to each situation. Previously, I was trying to make friends with my stress through activities like yoga, hiking, and meditation. These are still important tools for me, but now I realize that these activities were mainly helping process the after effects of stress. I would be paralyzed by stress and *then* employ these tools to "feel better." The 7 Tools has added a framework for attending to my stress as it arises throughout the day. I am not generally a willing group participant, especially when it comes to sharing my feelings. Although this was definitely the most challenging part of the course for me, I was not expecting to look forward to the calls every week. After going through the process, I now feel more empowered to share how I am feeling - and I know why it is helpful to do so! The 7 Tools course is an in-depth study of the steps anyone can take to reframe their relationship with stress. Throughout the 12 weeks, participants learn practical skills that encourage a compassionate, fully present understanding of the stress response that leads to personal growth. I was skeptical before signing up for the class because I have been "battling" stress for a long time - and have been on a constant, fruitless search for "answers" to the "problem." Early on, I realized that this course would be different because we weren't "battling" or "solving" anything. It took me a few weeks of working with the course materials, but I found a way recognize and transform how much of my relationship with stress was about overcoming it. I loved the presence and kindness that Grace brought to the calls each week. It was so cool to listen as she helped guide participants with questions to delve deeper into tricky blind spots. The grounding energy she brought to the calls was much appreciated. Dr. Hall has a unique ability to bring lightness - and bumper sticker-ready humor - in a heart-centered way that honors the depth of the work we are doing without getting weighted down in the difficult emotions that can arise when delving into the origins of our stress responses."

-Sara Siegel
Web Developer

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