What if you could stop all the chaos 

in five minutes or less?


Press Pause Now


Pressing the Pause Button!


...you could melt away your overwhelm and frustration in five minutes or less? How much better would your day be? You could get your work done faster and spend more of your day doing what you love. With a focused mind, you are more likely to get things right the first time so you’ll spend less time correcting mistakes and more time making progress. At the end of the day, you’d be less tired and in a better mood so you can have more energy to spend with your loved ones.

How much better would your day be if you knew how to set the struggle aside and allowed yourself to pause?


Imagine if you took 3-5 minutes and allowed yourself to:

  • Regain your sense of peace to handle problems with ease.
  • Release tensions naturally so your body could feel good as you work.
  • Reset your mind so you can think more clearly. 
  • Relax your breathing so you feel less anxious and stressed out.
  • Refocus your attention so your mind is focused forward towards solutions and not backwards on blame or resentment.
  • Naturally increase your productivity.
  • Realign your mindset to a solution based mindset.
  • Feel more empowered to handle whatever comes your way.
  • Let go of the struggle that makes things so hard.

The Truth Is...


Pushing through hard moments only makes them worse. Ignoring your feelings (mentally and physically) just compounds your problems. Your frustration increases and it becomes WAY too easy to lose your cool.  

This is Dr. Hall here and I know this story only too well. For years, I tried to push myself when things were difficult. I can’t tell you how many times I sat yelling at my computer because my frustrations were out of control.  I literally could not do anything else. Nothing could stop me from yelling.  

That is, until I learned to pause. 

The thing is, when you have a lot on your plate, it’s way too easy to tell yourself you don’t have time to stop. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ll keep trying (and trying and trying) until you get things done. All the while your mind keeps shouting “Work faster… work harder...do more”. Or maybe even tells you how stupid you are. 

But the truth is the more you struggle, the more you bump into seemingly unsolvable problems. 

Your worries and frustrations blind you to real solutions.

Head down, you keep on pushing as you listen to that tyrant mind of yours. You drive yourself harder and harder until you have no energy left. Your thinking gets fuzzy. Your productivity drops. In your mind you think, let me finish this one task and I will take a break. 

But that break never comes. Or if it does, it comes too late. 

And because your way forward is blocked, more problems develop from your struggling. 

It’s literally like swimming against the tide. 

It’s hard to be a creative, productive problem solver when you are too busy just trying to keep your head above water.


What if your problems were a sign you needed to take a breath, to pause, even for just 5 minutes. 

What if by pausing you created the space you need to naturally recalibrate and find your center so you can find your way forward through even the most hectic of days. 

Pausing with intention helps you feel calmer. (And we’re not talking about taking a social media break here, folks!) We’re talking about taking a beat. Allowing a moment between your stressors and your reactions.

We’re talking about using age-old techniques, honed from centuries of use, to find your way home to yourself.

By pausing with intention, you’ll suddenly feel clear headed and your productivity will skyrocket. 

Pausing helps you let go of struggle and find your inner sense of peace. You can get back to your project with renewed focus and vitality.

Click Here to Press Pause





Become the envy of your office when you learn how to take five minutes to relax and recenter yourself. Pausing, using our collection of tools designed to realign your mind actually allows you to come back to your problems with greater focus, less emotional reactivity and higher productivity. Your new found ease will astonish those who work with you because they haven’t learned what you know.


The secret to mastering stress (and success) starts with a Pause.

Click Here to Press Pause

What You'll Receive...

An entire month of 30 unique 3-5 minute audio recordings that give you skills you can use for the rest of your life to relax and restore your mind and body.

8 corresponding videos of the recordings that involve moving your body in specific ways so you can know exactly what to do instead of trying to figure it out through words.

Daily email reminders to help you remember to take a pause and recalibrate.

Files are coded as an album so as you download them to your device they appear in order for easy access. Once you are familiar with the audios this allows you to easily choose the track that appeals to you in the moment FOREVER.

Unique Recordings that draw on a wide variety of wisdom traditions and so you may experience a taste of these traditions for yourself.

Each audio recording is purposely kept short (5 minutes or less) so you can benefit from it in the time it takes to go to the bathroom or smoke a cigarette-think of them as non-smoke breaks!

Sign Up Now!

Here's what people say about our work....

"Very Relaxing!"

"These last 30 days doing Press the Pause Button have been full of new techniques for relaxing, body and soul. VERY helpful, especially these days! Well worth your time!"

-Chris Ward, Librarian

"I am amazed at the extent of the change I see in my daily life."

I am amazed at the extent of the change I see in my daily life. I am so much better able to recognize when I am feeling reactive about a topic/situation/conversation. Meeting myself with so much more compassion than judgement, like we learned in the course, has also been a game changer for me. My days feel lighter since I am being kinder to myself.

-Bridget Ruiz Executive Coach Facilitator

"This class offers you tools to be able to hold yourself with tenderness"

This class was...about recognizing why I continue patterns that lead me to stressful situations as well as my response to stress and how it is based on my beliefs.

Taming the Bear is a journey into yourself to begin the process of understanding deeply held and likely unconscious beliefs that are causing you more stress and internal dissonance and leading you to make decisions that keep you stuck in these stressful patterns. Through compassionate awareness, this class then offers you tools to be able to hold yourself with tenderness while you work on creating new belief structures / thought patterns to create a life with less stress and more joy and success!

-Deb Reid, Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master

Why you should trust us

  • It’s our family business to help people transform their relationship with stress. 

  • We focus on dynamic, empowering techniques that allow people to live more resilient lives with less emotional reactivity. 

  • Between us, we’ve been helping people unwind the situations and beliefs that keep them stressed for decades. Literally.

  • We care about you and want the best for your life.  

  • We are good humans. Our family has always put family first and it shows. We know about tending to each other and we’d love to show you how you can take good care of yourself too.

"Reverse engineer your response to your own stresses"

Stress is as complex as our response. Learning and applying the Seven Tools (expertly guided in observing yourself and your classmates by a great father and daughter team) will allow you to reverse engineer your response to your own stresses - taking the bite out.

-Mark Kessinich, Farmer

Meet Your Instructors

Steven M. Hall, MD specializes in patients with treatment resistant chronic illness. His search for better ways to help these people led to uncovering The Seven Tools. He is the author of The Seven Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires and a co-founder of The Seven Tools, a teaching corporation dedicated to helping people with personal growth and transformation.

Grace Porter, LMHC is a private practice psychotherapist and the co-founder of The Seven Tools. With over a decade of clinical experience, Grace utilizes a holistic approach to healing and believes in integrating mind, body, and spirit in order to help clients consciously reconnect to their soul's pursuits. She brings The Seven Tools of Healing to her work with clients, the classes she teaches, as well as practicing them in her own life. She is also Dr. Hall's daughter.

You’re READY to Press the Pause Button if you are...

  • Ready to improve the quality of your days RIGHT NOW
  • A person for whom time is precious
  • Looking for a solution NOW
  • Wanting to spend more time being productive and less time working
  • Done with bad days and are looking for something new
  • Ready to take control of your days
  • Ready to feel empowered to handle whatever life throw your way
  • Wanting life to feel easier NOW

Pressing the Pause Button is NOT for you if...

  • You're NOT willing to show up for yourself, your health, and your quality of life
  • You are sure there's no hope for making your life better
  • You don't think you matter
  • You would never take steps to improve your life
Yes I'm Ready!

Press the Pause Button for Only $97!



We understand the risk you feel when buying a digital product. Every penny of your money matters. And who wants to waste it buying something that should have been a blog post. 

We’re extremely proud of the products we create and want everyone who buys them to be thrilled with their purchase. That’s why we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. You can feel completely at ease when buying our product.

Click Here to Press Pause

Frequently Asked Questions

Every minute you wait to press the pause button is another moment you let struggle and hard days make you miserable. You deserve a sense of ease in your life.

Press the Pause Button Today